Friday, January 7, 2011

Baby Cashmere Skirt

This week has been an interesting one. There is so much that needs to be organized, sorted, cleaned...
We went through the process of buying a new vehicle (it's the new Bethany Homecrafts-mobile)...
I had a wicked week of PMS...
So trying to get work done has been like pulling teeth out and scratching fingernails on a chalkboard all at once. Sigh. Fortunately the week is over, the car is in the driveway, and the PMS is done. I can smile again (my dear one commented on that, so I know it's been a while!).

Not a lot of work has gotten done - or at least not a lot of things were made. I've also been trying to get back to the computer work: loading things into my Etsy shop, and onto my Facebook page, and into my Ravelry page (if you're a Raveler, I'm Thanksforwool). But here's a skirt that got put together.

It's entirely cashmere, and made to fit a little one between maybe 9-18 months old.

The top of it is a cashmere turtleneck, very soft and stretchy, thus the wide range of ages it can fit.

Like all of my twirly skirts, it's a full circle. They are absolutely adorable on the baby, and are the sweetest thing ever to hug a baby in, they're so soft! (Sorry, I usually don't toot my own horn, but I love these skirts.)

Have a great weekend!

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